Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Stampin' Up! 2019-2021 In Colors

Let's not mince words... it's been a while. I've been wanting to revive this off & on for some time, but sorting out the whole Photobucket mess has put me off. But if I don't just start it'll never get done. Sidestepping the Photobucket situation for now, and just getting into the reason for this post. The new Stampin' Up! Annual Catalogue was unveiled at the recent On Stage event, and with it the new In Colors were revealed. Time for some comparisons with past and present Stampin' Up! colours to give you a better feel for how they will look until you can get them into your own hands!

Stampin' Up! 2019-2021 In Colors compared to other Stampin' Up! colours
I'm so looking forward to using these, particularly Purple Posy of course hehehehe. The Annual Catalogue goes live on June 4th, and then everyone can share in the joy of these lovely new colours

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