And what colour must you use on a card about bees? Hello Honey of course! After coming up with the idea for a "BeeDay" card, those other elements fell into place pretty quickly - the Honeycomb embossing folder, the bee stamp from Garden In Bloom, and I thought the Brushstokes background stamp would tie in well with the stripes on the bee. Once I had cut the "happy" and D, A and Y and laid them over the striped background I realised it was a little busy and hard to read, so I cut a piece of vellum to lay over the top and was much happier with the result. Of course I then had to deal with attaching the vellum that I hadn't planned for. While I could pretty easily hide some adhesive behind the words and bee, that left the top and bottom edges pretty free. To avoid possible curling I came up with the idea for some candy dots and was happy with how that came out too! So with all that done the spacing felt a little off, which I fixed by adding some black satin ribbon that I folded over to make a little skinnier.
Here are the colours I used:
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